Gift at Sleepy Hollow Farms for Today
New gift for today! A nice accessory for your table:) Still two hunts going on and the weekly sale. I have also added a couple of new items to the kitchen. Please read the notecard for more details and photos. Thanks:)
New items added to the shop include a quaint bench with baskets and flowers, you will find it in front of the shop. Beside that is a water fountain with birds and a butterfly.
Only 75L each today!
And in the kitchen there are two tray tables with plates of snacks and a pretty pink ice bucket with wine bottles. Over by the bed is a shelf with a cute bunny and puppy with blocks.
New! Weekly sale item is a quaint garden bench with lots of extras. Only 100L this week. You will find it in the greenhouse. Just look for the bright white sign:)
The Nature's Hunt Spring hunt has begun:) There is a hint and a photo of the prize on the hunt sign in the shop. And an example of the item you are hunting for, a cute pink flower.
The Shops in Bloom hunt was canceled :( So since I had my prize ready I decided to go ahead and have the hunt at the shop, the hint chickadee is on the pic of the prize with an example of the hunt item, a red rose bud, located in the shop where the signs are.
All of my items are copy/nm/nt and if you have any questions I am always happy to help. So stop on by, browse around, let me know what you think about the beach, but don't forget your gift:)
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